Rakesh Chotaliya

Namaste ! I am Rakesh Chotaliya

Passionate Frontend developer crafting exceptional web experiences, based in Bangalore, India.

about me.

Hey! I'm a Computer Engineer with 5+ years of experience in web and app development. My love for tech drives my continuous learning and innovation. Beyond coding, I enjoy tea and chess, and I'm eager to contribute to open source. Let's collaborate on your digital vision!

I am currently open for full-time engineering roles, which involves user interface and experience design, frontend engineering as the core.

A collaborative team of engineers and designers, who are building great products. Interested in working together? Feel free to schedule a meet!

worked as.

senior frontend developer, SHDesk Solutions Pvt. Ltd


May, 2021-May, 2023

  • Built a comprehensive e-commerce platform for cosmetics, complete with secure purchasing capabilities, and integrated video calling for doctor-patient consultations using Twilio.
  • Using Javascript, React, NextJS, Wordpress, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS for building frontend and UI. Using Figma, Adobe XD to design layouts and design system and versioning control system tools like GitHub.

frontend developer, Technostacks infotech Pvt. Ltd.


Apr, 2020-Apr 2021

  • Started contributing as a design contributor and contributed to AsyncAPI website project using ReactJS and TailwindCSS.
  • Working on auditing existing components created using TailwindCSS support; Fixed UX for components, improved layouts for upcoming features.
  • Tools I work with during contribution: SVG Animation, React, TailwindCSS, NextJS, Javascript, Figma, Photoshop, Git/GitHub, Slack, Netlify, Git Bash

web designer, Yudiz Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Jan, 2018-Mar, 2020

  • Worked on the a dashboard application frontend using Angularjs, SCSS and re-vamping the components of the same.
  • Builded a complete design system for all the applications using Angularjs and SCSS.
  • Learned about tools and technologies such as Wordpress, Angular, AMP, Ionic2, Magento-design, jQuery, Sass/Less, FileZilla, Sketch.

contact, socials.

X (Twitter)@_Rakeshc7
Schedule a meetingcal.com/rakeshc7